We are happy to report that the IRL Clam Project is underway. The University of Florida gave us the go ahead, so a team from Whitney Labs traveled to the IRL to collect adult clams that made it through the harsh conditions. What the folks at Whitney Labs refer to as "super clams." They brought the specimens back to the lab and began the spawning process.
Take a look at our 1 million babies! The marine biologists at Whitney Labs are raising the next generation of bivalve clams to help restore the Indian River Lagoon. The clam in hand is about 7 years old and that cloud of the little ones in the tub below are the new kids on the block. This is the future and what the IRL Clam Project is all about!
These are what they call "raceways" . . . it's where the baby clams grow. Once they are of proper size and strength, that's when we can release them into the IRL for them to start the filtering and cleaning up the estuary!
We've been working extensively with our local legislators to help fund this project during the state session, and we've heard our request is in the budget. We were asked to submit our Clam Proposal again to the IRLNEP for grant funding, which was submitted last month by the FWC and University of Florida. We should have confirmation soon!!
We've raised $33,417.00 to date for this project with the help of the Fish American Foundation's $15,000 commitment but we need more DONATIONS to help bring the Indian River Lagoon back to the way it used to be. We are planning a big fundraiser this October on Florida's Space Coast so mark you calendars. Until next time, clam on!
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